
I'm a bit depressed

Hi everyone!
I'm writing this message because I think that I'm not the only one to be very good at tactics (I'm 2700 rated in puzzles and got 2300 elo in book tests) but still stagnating at ~1820 in rapid... Even though I know that the "game" rating is more important than puzzle/estimated elo.
I feel like I'm progressing only in solving puzzles, I solve them faster, but I'm not able to figure out what's wrong in my normal play (although I know im very good at blundering ;))
Any tips?
@Codeur_gameur said in #1:
> Hi everyone!
> I'm writing this message because I think that I'm not the only one to be very good at tactics (I'm 2700 rated in puzzles and got 2300 elo in book tests) but still stagnating at ~1820 in rapid... Even though I know that the "game" rating is more important than puzzle/estimated elo.
> I feel like I'm progressing only in solving puzzles, I solve them faster, but I'm not able to figure out what's wrong in my normal play (although I know im very good at blundering ;))
> Any tips?
You don't seem to look at the possibilities of ur opponent a lot...
Yes that's right, every time i calculate a move for 1min and then my opponent plays a move that was totally against my plans... I also think that it's a bit because, when I started playing chess, I was only playing blitz, and as mentioned in a recent article on lichess, I only use the "system 1" to play, hence olay fast
But I always train to solve this issue, but I feel that's not enough...
here i was thinking somebody was actually going to post about something relevant to my life
@Ifancy_potato said in #4:
> here i was thinking somebody was actually going to post about something relevant to my life

Oh boy I was gonna try to use one of my philosophical lectures but I guess this man needs to know what real depression is. So Ill let @MrPushwood to deal with this situation. Sorry for the ping guys. Topics JUST SOO interesting that I had to mention you guys.
If you are good at tactics, you are probably not paying enough attention to strategy. Most likely you play the opening and then immediately try to find tactics by the 10th move---instead try to think about (files,dark/light,etc)
@Codeur_gameur said in #1:
> Hi everyone!
Hi you!

> I'm writing this message because I think that I'm not the only one to be very good at tactics.
Maybe you are.

> Any tips?
Yes. Start a game with the most ridiculous opening, for example the Latvian Gambit and checkmate them. You are theoretically on a level of a candidate master or national master!
<Comment deleted by user>
Take this game:

if you play 20... Rxf1 you win. Instead you played 20... dxc4 and were mated next move.

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