
Why does Black have an advantage in this rook endgame?

Hi all,

Can someone explain why Black has the advantage in this rook endgame (end position after the move 33...Kf8)? I offered a draw thinking I was worse as Black given that White has a passed pawn but the computer claims I am much better.

What can I learn about rook endgames from this game?


Because you cna gain one of the pawns (c or a) in next moves and have beter pawns?
I think the advantage is because of Black's connected pawns. They can cover each other when attacking, while White's are scattered and hard to defend.
Better pawn structure.
Black: 1 pawn island
White: 3 pawn islands.
White pawns can easily be attacked and blockaded by both Black's King and Rook.
To add a small bit .... rooks have a hard time against connected passed pawns. When black gets his pawn mass moving he will have pawns on e5 & f5, where can the white rook go& still protect his weak pawns?
Black has a much better pawn structure. Whites pawns are to weak and dispersed to be defended.

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