
Why I am NOT 1700 Rated

Ofcourse supersnaic dislikes because he is proven wrong!!!
That noob...
@NikolayGrandM, I'm sorry to say, players and Stockfish are 2 different kettles of fish, Stockfish is slightly weaker than a player at that lvl, in my experience anyway (I'm 1300 in Standard and I'm almost sure I renember beating Stockfish 4 standard [It might have been 3 but I don't think so] a few times but when I'm playing against real players Standard, I'm in hot water)
Sure, unblock me and we can play.

Edit: Why decline? Challenge me whenever you're ready
Wow those games are definitely GM level. I heard that you coach under 2000 noobs so can I pls have a training session with you.I wanna learn how to play a perfect game like the ones you displayed.
Take it easy, man, this was years and years ago when I used to play on, I wish I could show you but as you might know, does not save computer games, and this was anonymous.
Can somebody explain me what this is all about? the guy seems to have a higher rating than 1700 so why is he trying to "prove" that he is not a 1700?

Also @NikolayGrandM playing against an engine and making like 5 takebacks is not much to write home about I beat Chessmaster at highest difficulty (about 2400 elo) once or twice but with quite a few takebacks lol 😂
Taking takeback from the engine is basically cheating that's allowed on Lichess, nut is frowned upon.

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