
I love you mom...

But, do you have to come in my room at the most critical moments of my lichess games?! Gosh, I already suck at chess which is pretty depressing itself, but God knows how many games I have lost just because of you stepping in the room suddenly and asking all kind of unnecessary questions, and almost always with the perfectly worst timing possible! :-o

Thankfully I'm only a stupid nerd so I don't get caught doing more embarrassing stuff than playing chess. ( = Phew )

Yeah that happens. Not much you can do.
Haha, that last paragraph made my day. :D

I closed the door when I lived with my parents (which they had a complex about, but whatever). It seemed to deter them from entering my room for the most part. Maybe it's a subconscious thing, who knows.
I can relate to this so much. Then I moved out of the house. :3
Same here bro. My mom always makes me lose bullet games!. She walks in and starts badgering me about homework and other shit that I would just procrastinate on anyway.

Hey! Don't procrastinate! It just makes life harder. If you procrastinate in university you'll die. Read a 500 textbook in two weeks -.-

But I can't blame you... Lichess is darn addictive :O
In a case of procrastination, lichess is a symptom, not a cause.

Procrastination is still pretty devastating. Procrastination stems from perfectionism.

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