
I love you mom...

it hapens all the time for me too! lol in bullet games she makes me lose soooo many games in bullet and my sis
____ Oh no! How do I get this out of my head: Prolific, pulsing, pondering, pensees (fr) pounding thru my peronium & protracting my cerebrum circa the poor, pathetic, Paleozoic, plight of the prolific, paltry, purplish periwinkle ? platapi pusses
____ Pink elephants on parade... What will I do... more LSP PLEASE
Uuuuuuuultra coooooooomboooooooooooooo!

srsly, that's quite the alliteration.

Also, as for the topic, yes, mothers are really good at invading privacy for asking a myriad of meaningless questions. When they do such things, it's likely because you aren't giving them attention. Mothers are like plants. Go give your mother some water and sunlight and she'll stop pestering you.
this thread sounds like troll attempt, because it lacks any point and contains ambiguities, but since it was probably written by a kid, then it might be genuine since children sometimes sound like trolls, also I think most trolls are children and teenagers, since that is age when they feel they must explore all sorts of things including dumb ones
One thing is this word 'nerd' - wasn't it supposed to be (at least) a light insult just a couple of years back? Yes I've seen that it is lately being used more and more in reference to self and/or not as an insult . What does it mean anyway - nowadays everyone use computers and tech stuff a lot, many bodybuilders, boxers (Shwarznegger, Klitschko etc.) are chess enthusiasts (including some bodybuilders I know personally) - would you cal Shwarznegger a nerd just because he plays chess?
I could swear there are many geniuses that just play top level basketball and earn millions - or are CEOs, but earned F/D etc. grades at school. Only way I can identify the word is as an insult for someone who does not engage in physical sport, probably wears glasses (as sadly more and more people in this digital age), and is obsessed with either learning at school, books or something other less popular, so why call yourself like that, other-ways the word simply lacks any well defined meaning and is probably useless.
My guess is that some people attempt to not use this word pejoratively in an attempt to make it less pejorative, but that pointless, people who want to bully and insult someone they can will always find ways and words.
also if your parents come in room when they like without knocking, then they are bad parents, or if you must be monitored like that when using computer, then you shouldn't be allowed to used computer at all - you should make/buy a lock, that's what I have done, if they would punish you for that, then you are simply a prisoner to abusive parents, and there is little that can be done, it happens - you can revenge on them by not helping them when they are old, many people have kids just so someone would care about them when they are old
#27, Shwarznegger is totally a nerd. Did you see Batman Forever? Guy was the only person in the whole cast who was just absolute excited to be in a Batman movie.

A "nerd" is basically someone who pursues academic interests and excels at them. They are avid book readers, puzzle and strategy gamers, comic book readers, and have interests in things of an analytic nature such as language, mathematics, or hard science. This doesn't preclude nerds from also excelling at physical activities, but the majority of nerds would likely be less interested in playing sports as much as crunching the numbers.

During the 80s and 90s, this term was indeed a derogatory term, as was geek and dork. But now all the nerds, geeks, and dorks from the 80s and 90s have become the creators and producers of mainstream culture...needless to say, in doing so, it's become "cool" to be a nerd (or a geek, or a dork) because of the very fact that technology and information drives today's world.

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