
disable lag compensation in ultra

you are being hypocritical cause you are bashing using artificial lag (arguments: you are creating lag so that it will give you advantage) and same time you's saying it's not problem that naturally lagging players lag (arguments: who cares, they just get compensation (while saying that lag isn't just compensation, but advantage, yourself)
First off, even if I did that, it’s not hypocrisy - hypocrisy is saying one thing and doing another, which is not being done in what you said above.
I am bashing using artificial lag because - @HyperCloxy himself said it was a form of cheating and now he is doing it. All I am saying there is remarking on the incredible hypocrisy.

Lag might be a slight advantage, but it is nothing compared to the advantage non-laggers would have if there was no lag compensation. As such, I am ok with all people who have a worse connection through no fault of their own. However, I will not stand for people who deliberately increase their ping to gain what they perceive to be an advantage.
@CalbernandHowbe ok while your explanation was still unclear either way, i'll just ask this way:

i have "fav opponent" who is definitely weaker than me but outperforms me cause he has lag. now i'll ask: although i have never considered creating lag myself in order to cope, how would you personally consider me doing that against that guy? would you call me wrong or right?
I would call you completely wrong because you are abusing the compensation system to gain an advantage for yourself, when that’s not its purpose at all.

And anyway this scenario is unrealistic and won’t happen.
@CalbernandHowbe but i would be literally abusing the compensation system cause not doing that it would be my opponent who abuses it unintentionally. how isn't my point crystal clear?
Your opponent isn’t abusing it as they are not doing it deliberately. As I said before, your opponent if they didn’t have lag compensation would have a much much bigger disadvantage. They may get a small edge here, but that’s just the way it works. This is the best solution and it’s not perfect but unfortunately not everything in life is perfect.
I would say that that is fair enough, since you're artificially creating lag not to gain an advantage, but to give yourself equal footing with the lagger. If you were to create lag to gain an advantage, then that would be wrong.
@dontevenknowwhatkbis If someone punches you,go to police (Or your dad).Dont punch him again.
Like that,if someone abuses compensation system,go and report.
@Edgenheiden you get it, i never said it would be right in any sense to use it against non-laggers, but rather spoke about cases when you are just doing that against lagger be it intentional or not.

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