
The Most Weirdest Opening Name

@Planet_CHESS465 said in #30:
> Hey, ive seen you before! I would like to know who u are (its ok if u want to stay anonymous of course :) ive watched you play before
I prefer to stay anonymous. Some GMs and IMs look at online games of their opponents when preparing for over the board events, and I don't wanna show my cards to 'em.
@ILikeBlitz said in #31:
> I prefer to stay anonymous. Some GMs and IMs look at online games of their opponents when preparing for over the board events, and I don't wanna show my cards to 'em.

Good idea. Maybe when i become a title player ill do the same
@The_Champion1234 said in #1:
> ''Pterodactyl Defense: Western, Rhamphorhynchus''

they guy who made this opening was definitely a chernobyl survivor

(for people who did not get the joke: chernobyl disaster was when a nuclear power plant exploded and the opening's name sounded like radiation gases name. Yeah I know, kinda lame
look these. they are strange openings
tumbleweed gambit, fred gambit

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