
Lets start a protest

Lichess never gives you partial credit for getting part of the puzzle correct. That's why People's lichess puzzle ratings are significanly lower than their rating. So lets start a protest that lichess has 2 options: 1. remove the puzzles rating thing. or 2. start giving partial credit for puzzles.
While I do understand the idea of partial credit, the thing about puzzles is that while any ONE move can be good, the others moves afterwards show that you know WHY that move was good. Delivering check here was a good idea because it allows a fork on the next move. Sacrificing the rook here is smart since it allows checkmate later.

A good move is only good AFTER it's played.
@Achyut_2013 said in #3:
> I do agree with u,but sometimes there are bugs in pulzzes and there is only one good move,but there is another good move (like in this puzzle- , atleast I think there are two moves),so not always there is only one move.
...That's on the puzzle itself, not on the system as a whole. Oh, and excuse me while I report this puzzle. You are right: there's another move that causes checkmate just as fast.
Yes, I agree that is outrageous that we are not awarded anything for partial correct moves.

I also think we should get a participation point for every game that we lose because losing hurts my feelings a lot

If a person is rated higher than us it's our right to not have rating points deducted too because it makes me feel like a loser.

Why do we need to keep score at all, can't we just all be winners?

Why can't we just make up the rules and change the goal posts to suit my moods?

And what is taking those slackers at Lichess Control so long to get on this task, I've already lost 3 games of bullet in a row.
@Achyut_2013 said in #3:
> I do agree with u,but sometimes there are bugs in puzzles and there is two good moves (like in this puzzle- , atleast I think there are two moves,which are Qc4+which is solution and Qe3+ ),so not always there is only one move.
stockfish goes crazy in this puzzle
Qe3, as after Kd5 its a "draw"- 0.0
Kd5 -#1
We could start a web site for people who don't want to get better at chess, and don't want to get better at puzzles.

Oh wait, that web site already exists for you, and you never had to protest.
<Comment deleted by user>
guys, stop caring about your puzzle ratings. Its just for the practice. Don't quit puzzles that you don't get, and don't play for the rating. Once you start playing puzzles for improvement only, your blitz, rapid and classical ratings will improve (you shouldn't even be playing bullet if u wanna improve faster).

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