
Nerdy image of Chess

I've met a few guys from down south and I don't think they're the one's you're looking for :)
Go with the times chunkymonkey, we abolished torturing and enslaving people decades ago!!!
I live in the south, and yeah, there are some major brute-men here.

I just realized in irony that my overly enthusiastic determination in this thread to prove what nerdiness is was itself a nerdy act!
I will withdraw from this thread at this point.

aaww darn it, a third of the audience just left the room! :(
In application for a job I recently filled in, it asked for three things interesting about me and I put down that I play chess. I would have wrote that I enjoy wearing nipple clamps but think being known as a nerd as opposed to a pervert would give me better chances. Overall , I am more nerd than I am kinky but thats only because of its easier to play chess online than it is to pay for Madame Kinkyboots to walk on my face with high heels .
Embrace the nerdness.

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