
How good are you at chess?

Not very good really, although I am improving over time. But whether I'm good or not, chess remains a great and fascinating game. It holds a mirror up to my face and shows me my own particular character weaknesses. And that can be a good thing to be reminded of...
I'm hopeless but trying to get better. I've been watching some Finegold streams to learn how he does it and followed what he does to the letter.

One week later: after my wife was bringing me takeaways every few hours while I sat at the computer, I've gained 4kg and I'm still hopeless at chess. Maybe I should switch to watching Eric Rosen...
Good is an extremely relative concept.

My sister and dad, who only play chess very rarely, consider me an expert.

Meanwhile, you could pit me against Carlsen and i would suck majorly.

Edit: That's what rating systems are for i suppose. But still, not even that can give a definitive answer. The higher rated player sure doesn't always win.
@Schtaeve You need to choose your opening first sir , and then watch as much as possible a super GM play that opening and then play only rapid and classical games.Don't play too much blitz game until you reach 1800. once you get better at rapid an classical games , your blitz rating will follow.... I believe you will getting better soon If you practice enought with more classical time control
Im a class A player, so I guess I'm okay. Although I have doubts when I watch top players analysing positions
I've played 3,756 games over quarantine and have gotten a lot better

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