
Strange game

Should I chew the food for you? Sad thing that you cant figure out what I mean. And just ignore the fact that he has been banned by the mods, not me.
Just looking at this particular game white could be the cheater as well.

Cheating is evil but so are hobby cheater-hunting ghostbusters!? Report them non-public & wait and see (at least I would behave that way when p...ed off)

This means that I should just lose a piece every thirty moves or so to make it look like I don't use a computer.
My peeve is people who wait to lose on time when it's mate-in-one. I block these people, but I would feel more satisfaction if they would be banned.
Just for the record. When I started playing here I experienced the following:
Not sure if u can read the chat. To summarize it: my opponent played really bad (me either ;-) ) and I was confronted with a cheating accusation ("giant computersmell going on", "blocked") Needless to say this was kindly said far-fetched...
Better be cautious.
I reported 4 players today and all got banned. This site is full of cheater.

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