
Regium: Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence

This is the report I sent to Kickstarter, under "This project breaks one of Our Rules." -> "Prototype misrepresentation". I tried to keep it to the facts that are 100% clear. There is a ton more shady stuff but I don't want to risk credibility on misrepresenting something tangential. I encourage everyone to write similar reports to Kickstarter (just scroll all the way down on the page).


- This video has been clearly edited (knight outline):
- A chess board in their promotional videos is created by a company that denies having worked with Regium.
- They have claimed to support connection to chess sites that are defunct.
- The shown pieces are not hand-carved Staunton pieces as claimed.
- The shown prototype(s) already appear to have all the features that they claimed to need the Kickstarter money for in previous videos.
- Spamming their own comments section to hide critical backer comments is also against the rules.

Further, the company behavior has been dishonest in every aspect: Fake team member images, listing team members that deny having any affiliation, threatening to sue a forum (!) over critical discussion in comments, using sockpuppet accounts on, and Twitter to promote and defend their products.

No known or reputable third party has been allowed to experience, test or review their product, despite several offers from many sides. If the shown prototype actually existed and worked as shown, it would be beyond trivial for them to dispel all doubts about their product.

You have plenty of reports and an overwhelming amount of evidence that this project is entirely fraudulent. This is your chance to act on it accordingly.
#772 adding on....Sound of the him smashing pieces on board while placing is how I would expect a half inch wood board to produce. Such sound should not possible if that same half inch height board had half wood layer and many electronics layered
Going back to seeing how feasible it is to actually make an eBoard that moves with electromagnets, looks like other people have done things already.

Short video here:

Just scale it up.

I seriously want to design a real Regium board lol
At least Regium shows that anyone who could make this 'e-board' will get billionaire.
I'm sure some investors are aware of this now. They already validated the interest of the people to have an automatic chess board.
I kind of wished that this was real... I mean their Marketing Manager, Alexandra Martin looks cute in the photo, but too bad she doesn't exist! 😎

Playing some bullet chess while awaiting for updates.
True, @rfw, that Alexandra Martin was really cute. Too bad she doesn't exist.
I am quite surprised that people aggressively fight against seemingly scam. I mean, there are scammers everywhere (e.g at least 80% of weight loss products/ techniques are scams, 80% of cryptocurrencies are scams) . I feel sad for them as they chose the wrong area. ( Lots of chess nerds are also Technology nerds).

The sad part is that if they were totally honest about this project, they would be much better and this dream would be closer to reality.
I can imagine someone raising $100 000 just for the actual developing of working prototype. Instead of creating a fake team, they could create a real team. Instead of losing money everywhere, they could make money.

Now the police is investigating them and they will probably pay big fines. They could avoid all of the negative backlash by simply being honest.

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