
Stockfish vs ChessBase, Round 1

Copyright issues of many lines of code are not a simple problem. There will be people who promptly copy like 70% of the code and implement their work on the 30%, then say it's original. The boundary of what percent should it be is a hard question to make an agreement with. However in this case I think FatFritz certainly got issues.
@JONGIN_JEON said in #66:
> Copyright issues of many lines of code are not a simple problem. There will be people who promptly copy like 70% of the code and implement their work on the 30%, then say it's original. The boundary of what percent should it be is a hard question to make an agreement with. However in this case I think FatFritz certainly got issues.

How much time did it take you to make stockfish ?
If we look at the chessbase website, it still implies that Fat Fritz 2.0 is the best chess engine around, and does not give credit to their use of Stockfish code.
Is Chessbase really playing the " we were harashed by stockfish team" card, as their only excuse not to stop distributing the engine?, and also, our competitors will now make more money, YEAH, because you (CB) illegaly distributed an engine wihich reported you massive benefits
@PaulMorphysBrilliant said in #71:
> People fight for such useless reasons...

If you don't foster free software you wouldn't have linux that runs most webservers, you wouldn't have Android phones, you wouldn't have the lichess website and much much more.

You could argue that Chessbase is making a mess out of it for useless reasons, but certainly not stockfish.
Chessbase made a very stupid move. If you want to steal a codebase and sell it on your own. Then do it properly. But they are just lazy asses.
Stockfish has won several engine tournament, it deserves respect. There is need to play more tournament.

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