
The best of Aceno0b: a retrospective after 500 posts

All the top players have studied three check theory exhaustively, playing Stockfish depth 35 moves and beyond. I assure you, they take the game very seriously. Some of them enjoy rapid 3 check games (many masters play me), but not nearly as many as I would like.
Achieving top 10 status on the 3 check leaderboard does not mean anything in itself. As @legendInsChess just stated: "On my old account I was top 8 in lichess leaderboard horde while I have never played horde." A fast mouse is being allowed to trump skill on the lichess leaderboards, and I think this is a pity.
I'm completely winning the argument to any objective reader, that's the hilarious thing :) It's like man against boys, I'm just picking you up one by one and tossing you into the river :D
hahaha We just hit 3000 views, and I was happy with 2000 :) But you guys just wanted to push for more, kudos :D
@Aceno0b if you’re soooo good at 3 check then then why are your best rated victories so bad????? 2 vs bots where the bots timed out, and 1 victory where opponent berserked in increment game, you didn’t berserk back, and opponent timed out in winning position???

The rest are just 2200s, only 50 points above your peak rating???
If getting massively downvoted (again) and humiliating yourself (again) is a win to you and it helps you sleep at night then good for you I guess.
There are only 3 three check players above 2400 and only three above 2300 (only one of whom play my time control, and he is phenomenally strong). I have lots of great results, but until very recently all but a handful of the elite players were "just 2200s". Three check ratings have long been deflated, though the problem is less pronounced after the coronavirus influx. If I was in the same percentile of other pools my rating would be 2125-2225. Only someone who knows nothing about three check would use the phrase "only 2200" about Bleichkind. He is a strong one, in both fast and slow games - 2100 FIDE. Some other players reach 2300 with less than 1900 FIDE.
@General0_0Advance I was only downvoted by people who couldn't discern that the post was tongue-in-cheek. If it had been a serious post, it would have deserved those dislikes :)
Well then be more obvious about it because it seems pretty obvious to me and the other people who disliked your posts that you were being serious......
I reckon you would be a pretty nice guy if you weren’t so narcissistic (you still massively boast about 3 check skills anyway) and toxic in the forums.

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