
Highest puzzle rating

Since lichess doesn't store the highest puzzle ratings, let me store it here myself for future reference. I reached 2356 yesterday and I have been going downhill today.
There is no control over cheating on puzzles.
If you cheat, you are only cheating yourself.
Curently 2467 after 402 puzzles. Might also be my alltime high.
You I believe, because your other ratings are commensurate. So tell me, are you a master or in the vicinity, or are Lichess ratings inflated?
@nayf I have no title (could have CM from my rating) but I guess its just easier to solve puzzles when you know its a puzzle then to do the same in a game^^
Otherwise I've got no clue if the ratings are inflated. Also I don't really know if the ratings of the puzzles themself are okay. And one shouldn't forget I was quite some while about 10 points lower rated^^
I've made the same complaint about puzzles. I suggested they should be mixed with mundane defensive moves, pawn captures or strategic advantage, just so one can't know in advance that the only correct solution yields a decisive material advantage or mate. I was told that Chess Tempo has such a mix.

May I ask you something else, off topic? What study methods would you recommend as most effective, based on your experience? What did you find most useful? For instance, while I find puzzles useful, it is probably better to copy those that stumped me or were particularly instructive, to study the relevant features (e.g. a seemingly obscure pawn my have played a crucial role in preventing a reply), and to repeat them daily. Would you agree? Other recommendations? Does one need a coach or can one do it all on one's own with current resources?

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