
I suck at chess

that feeling never goes away... my play has significantly degraded the past few months , sometimes you just miss stuff, the goal is to structure your thinking that naturally you will do it less and less the more you study, retain, practice... try out new ideas play with the pieces feel what works what doesn't ... we can all agree that we all suck at chess when compared to whats actually possible on a chess board
I just above average and won't probably improve. 2000 is beyond my reach.
I think that if you spend less time playing chess right now and more time studying you might get to 2000
@need_heart said in #8:
> @GoodELO @pointlesswindows on lichess I went 1400- mid 2100s in blitz in my first year playing. @GoodELO 2000 games is very little in 5 years. I played about 10,000 games and went from 1400-2100s

No way. Just dont believe that you are holding such high rating without cheating inbetween, after only one year. Please explain how you did that in only your first year playing?
There's no shame at sucking at chess, it requires playing so many games to start playing well. Honestly, I think there are better ways to use your precious time. Now, if you really want to improve, as someone said before a few thousand more games and you will get there.
@GoodELO said in #1:
> I have been playing this game for 5 years. Still suck at it, or maybe i even playing worse than the beginning.
> When i will reach 2000? My dream rating is 2000. But does not matter how much i play this game i don't get any better at it :/

Define “Suck at chess”. ;-)
In my world, you absolutely don’t suck at chess.
I would call you a weak-to-medium club player. Which is quite something!

Chess is a sport which needs a lot of dedication and training to improve. Also talent doesn’t hurt. On top of it: The older you get, the harder it will become to improve and eventually your playing strength will even start to decline.

Depending on your circumstances, reaching 2000 at lichess might already be somewhat overambitious. 2000 lichess is what I would call a solid club player. Something not easily achievable.

While practice is very important, only playing more games will not necessarily make you stronger – as in any sport.

The good thing is: With your level there certainly are very specific and identifiable weaknesses in your play that you could start working on. If you struggle identifying them yourself, ask someone else. (I would start by looking for a local chess club.)

And remember: No matter how much you improve, you will always only win about half of your games. It’s the journey that matters. Not the goal.

Take care!
Stop thinking in just tactics and start to think in terms of positional plans...then when your positional play improves you will see tactics appearing out of thin air
Most games should end with a sacrificial combination when you become positionally overwhelming...
otherwise just queen a pawn....
Edit: Study the concept of exchanging material for attacking dynamism it will give you an entirely different view of what moves are best
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