
I suck at chess

@GoodELO said in #1:
> When i will reach 2000? My dream rating is 2000.

I guess with this emphatic sentence you just want to express your disappointment for not being able to improve yourself and become a “solid club player”, as @FritzSch says.
I too would like to improve, and I’m trying with a certain conviction. I don’t know if I will. I don’t know if I'll go beyond my currently poor level, and by how much. However, I’m sure of one thing: even if I don’t make any significant progress, the fun will remain. Hours spent at the club or online, confronting your opponent, will always be pleasant and rewarding.
Even if we remain weak players, chess is funny and good for health. What more ?
@GoodELO said in #1:
> I have been playing this game for 5 years. Still suck at it, or maybe i even playing worse than the beginning.
> When i will reach 2000? My dream rating is 2000. But does not matter how much i play this game i don't get any better at it :/

Nobody is that bad at chess. The problem is the fake ratings on online chess servers. You don't focus on the game you've got if front of you and instead you spend the whole game paying too much attention to ratings. Online chess servers' ratings mean nothing relevant.

Do you want to improve at chess? Play just long-time control games. Forget bullet and blitz. Study more than play and spend hours and hours doing tactics.

When are you going to reach 2000? Well, 2000 FIDE ELO points are +/- 2400 on Lichess. So probably never. But it doesn't mind.

Enjoy chess, forget ratings. Enjoy being either ELO 1000, 1500, or 2000. Chess is much more than a number. While you don't catch the real meaning of chess, you won't improve your playing.
Okay first things first:
We all suck! And although some can reach higher rating than others, most of us will settle at some point in their live rather than getting better and better for ever. That's okay, because you can still learn or at least have fun!
Secondly, I am pretty sure there were many posts before mine in this thread who adressed this with far more words than me, but have you considered you are doing the wrong training?
If it is your biggest dream to become very good, why not work very hard?
There is the option to engage professionals as your trainer, or a friend. You can analyze your games, you can play different time controls. In the end there are almost endless ways to adjust the own progress. Don't give up on you easily.

And last but not least I want to say something in my own interest:
You may as well read my blog, which topic is right about your dilemma: "How to get better"
And if that does or does not help you feel free to DM me, I have taught others, I may teach you.

@GoodELO said in #1:
> I have been playing this game for 5 years. Still suck at it, or maybe i even playing worse than the beginning.
> When i will reach 2000? My dream rating is 2000. But does not matter how much i play this game i don't get any better at it :/

I gave you a heart and a plus one, because you don't suck at chess. :-)

And I also like your name (More than a bit, because I love ELO, [Elo, one capital only, is the name of the person who came up with the Elo system, the whole three letters shouldn't be capitalized as it is a proper name; i.e., Arpad Elo], Electric Light Orchestra is the band which your name indicates.

In any case, "suck" is a word that shouldn't even be applied to anyone. But yeah, there is an infinity of things to learn in chess, and that's why I'm just giving you encouragement.

Nice to see you and hope all your goals are met! :-)

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