
How do I analyse an OTB game?

How do I use the analysing tool to go through a game I have had at over the board, by making move by move?
Press between button it show youre game
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The simplest way is to just type it:

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. Nxe5

Ah ok. Would be nice with an editor of some sort just to make it easier though! Just a suggestion :-)
Just tried something:

As you can see, I am playing against myself. That way you can put in the whole game and then draw or win with one side to get it analysed.

1) Select "Play against friend"
2) Choose any colour or random
3) Copy the game-link
4) Open lichess on another tab
5) Paste&Go the game-link on the new tab
6) Start playing against yourself
Yeah, you gotta switch tabs all the time to make a move. Forgot to mention that.
Or just set the windows up next to each other on the same screen.

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