
is there any way to organize and search our own studies in lichess??

Sorry for the bad typing behavior. I know that You will always play a very great role in the development of lichess to a world class chess platform. Keep up your good work.
OK, good news :D I managed to convince Lichess to make some changes. I am working on your feature now.
Why are the flairs not working? Is there any good progress in the searching, navigating and viewing all chapters without opening it,etc(organizing a study)?
I haven't even created a account to see what you meant. I still have to do that. But searching studies may not be a simple or even possible feature. I only work on the client (browser) and have no connection to the database. Have patience, please.
Ok, I am patient to wait until you implement it. I know that it is very hard but i believe that you are able to do that. I believe in your hard work, determination and coding skills. I hope i will see these features someday. Let's call it a day.
Computer stuff is hard to construct from just the user end thought idea. I would not think it would happen hours after the consideration­. One person is not devoting all the life time to this. It think one should give time to our dear Lichess Tools creator.

A day? I think your encouragements are encouraging but the time expectations a bit un-experienced. Give it more days.

Although one can never underestimate the virtues of challenge.
And I looked into the chess dot com library. You described it so wonderfully, but I kind of feel it sucks. I do see some interesting ideas in it, though. We'll see...
OK, I don't get it, @RoadtoSGM ! The Chess dot com library is similar if not worse than the study interface. Here:

Opening the list of collections is akin to opening the list of studies in Lichess. Searching works the same way, only you have to press Enter and it's a grid in Lichess, not a list. The grid has more information than the list anyway.

Opening a study and opening a collection are also similar, but instead of just a searchable list, it's a complete study in Lichess. Clicking on a chapter is also like clicking on a collection game, since it opens the chapter in the same page.

I see collections have tags, which works the same as for Lichess study topics. Collections have one image that can be displayed and now that's possible for LiChess Tools users, too, with the study flairs.

The accordion embed thing is interesting, but I don't think is that useful in Lichess.

Searching is also buggy as hell in Chess dot com. You start filtering and it changes your sorting. It only searches in collection titles and game player names. Also implementing advanced searching in studies or chapters on Lichess is not possible for me since there is no good API for it.

So I don't get it. What exactly is so wonderful about that interface compared with the Lichess one?
The one of the wonderful things about the library is that every collection(study) can be give different logos (We can give different logos to different collections(studies). Also, in it allows to import any logos from outside. Thank you very much for releasing the new logo thing, but the only problem is that the same logos are only available in every study, and it does not allow to import any logos from outside.

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