
is chess racist?

@Akbar2thegreat said in #6:
> Both are actually same shade, it's just our perception that makes different colours and judge accordingly.
That was not a joke though! (Surprised because of reactions!)
@Akbar2thegreat said in #23:
> That was not a joke though! (Surprised because of reactions!)

Well then, how do you define "shade" and "color"?
We can use red and blue pieces, so it will just be colorist, not racist!
@MrPushwood said in #5:
> Well, it occurs to me that in any game somebody has to go first.
How about we do it alphabetically?, Based on a person's username!
@oneiro_naut said in #7:
> Yes. We should instead play 32 grey pawns all on the same side.
No royalty and No clergy? God damn Communist!
@weplaychess90 said in #9:
> Why is the King more important than the Queen?
Why is the Queen stronger than the king? #feminism
@GeorgeZhuang said in #25:
> We can use red and blue pieces, so it will just be colorist, not racist!
So who moves first? The red communists or the blue capitalists?
So happy we moved away from race and into peaceful social ideology.
@GeorgeZhuang If it can’t be racist if the pieces are red and blue, then it cannot be racist if the pieces are black and white.. except in the tiny minds of the racist race baiters and victim card players and the utter morons who would make breathing racist if they could.

I didn't thought about it from so many years

You are the champion #1
Just ask the lichess gods if they can make it so u can change the color of the pieces, except black can only be changed into dark colors and with white change it into light colors
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