
About memorizing chess moves + playing against thyself

I need to memorize chess moves. Any ideas?

If I would pick a program, it needs to enable you to choose the specific move that was choosen as the best one for a specific position. I have found Chess trainer, but you need to go through all the moves before reaching the final one. Same thing appears to happen with Lucas chess.

I have already thought on a mind map program to track moves already gone through.

I need to play against myself. I need an application that automatically switches the board the measure I play against myself, bcuz having to switch the board when playing against myself seems autistic.

Is there any AI in which allows me to train it by making it to play against me? So that way I would self master both an AI and me. That would be like playing against myself.

Why? just play normal moves and you'll be fine. Just memorize a few openings and you'll be fine until like the 1800s. Also play against real players.
The need to memorize chess moves is generally misunderstood. That said if you HAVE to, understanding why that particular move is played goes a long way
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For memorizing things in general, spaced repetition is a technique that usually works; there are sites such as Chessable that apply that to chess.
Rote opening memorization is a bad idea. All I have to do is play something not in the books and you're out to sea.
To memorize chess moves is a bad thing. Lets take it in a real world aspect. You can read a subject and memorize its contents but when it comes to doing, well you don't have experience to understand what is going on since you never seen it happen.
Understanding chess moves matter more because most likely your opponent is going to play a novelty on move "x". And you would have to think for yourself eventually. With memorization, you don't know what you achieved.
But I mean if you want to memorize chess moves, 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 different positions (2^64)

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