
Your Top 5 Favourite Chess Books

I’m looking for the ones that you feel really helped you become a better player. Here is my list

1.) Art of Positional Play - Reshevsky
2.) Silman’s Endgame Course -Silman
3.) Woodpecker Method - Smith and some Finnish guy
4.) Chess Structures: Flores-Rios
5,) How to Lose Your Pants on a Bus - Torre
Logical Chess is one of the few that I have finished. I read most of How to Win at Chess and The Complete Chessplayer.
I have only 1 in english: 1001 Tactics Puzzles for the club player, edition New In Chess :D
@kindaspongey said in #3:
> Logical Chess is one of the few that I have finished. I read most of How to Win at Chess and The Complete Chessplayer.

What did you think of Logical Chess?
1. How to be a Class A Player - Alex Dunne
2. Silman's Endgame Course - Jeremy Silman
3. Tension in the Chess Position - Riley Sheffield
4. Modern Ideas in Chess - Richard Réti
5. Art of Attack - Vladimir Vuković
Understanding Chess Middle Games - John Nunn
Dvoretskys Endgame Manual - Dvoretsky
Mayhem in the Morra - Marc Esserman

However most of my chess knowledge comes from websites, analysis, youtube, wikipedia and other ressources. Books make only about 10% of my learning process. I usually liked those books most, that are just full of mastergames and play them on a wooden board and be amazed by the moves.
Modern Chess Strategy - Pachman
Pawn Structure Chess - Soltis
100 Selected Games - Botvinnik
Learn From the Grandmasters - Keene (ed)
Life & Games - Tal
@MrPushwood said in #8:
> [...]
> 100 Selected Games - Botvinnik
> [...]

I share that one with you. Very dry, technical annotations but really brilliant.
My copy was presented to me at a junior tournament prize-giving in 1981 by IM William Hartston who had earlier given a simultaneous display for the young competitors (I lost very quickly to him).
7 Sins & Zebras by Rowson
Yermo‘s Road to Chess Improvement
Nunn‘s Secrets of Practical Chess
Watson‘s SOMCS

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