
Why is chess better than sex?

Wait suppose white king is on Ka1
And black king is on Ke4
And it's white to play
And white is queen up
So white plays queen e5+
And king captures queen ...
Compare otb chess with sex if anything. Online chess compares to sexpuppets at most.
I don’t know what’s faster my bullet games or my sex life both last under two minutes! Nothing better than mating the king besides maybe mating a real queen! I’m trying to think of more jokes but that’s all I got
Well you know if you completely screw up in chess you can ask for a rematch.
An interesting question coming (no pun intended) from a user called Sappho.

What do Lichess captcha and Tinder have in common?

They're both about finding mate in one.
Maybe chess strengthens your brain while sex may exercise you physically...
@Sappho_CGN said in #1:
> - Not considering bullet chess takes longer ...
> - You can play with changing partners without health risk
> - You can play with yourself at a PC and it feels like real

Why on earth are you comparing two completly diffrent things???? They have completly diffrent purposes and uses, unless you treat your chess board as sex toys. This comparason is stupid

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