
Why is chess better than sex?

@Sappho_CGN said in #1:
> - Not considering bullet chess takes longer ...
> - You can play with changing partners without health risk
> - You can play with yourself at a PC and it feels like real
well, chess is fun, and sex isnt fun, so there's a big gap in between
@xDoubledragon said in #29:
> Why on earth are you comparing two completly diffrent things????

Maybe because comparing identical things is no fun either. But attention seeking is good candidate, too!

> They have completly diffrent purposes and uses,

But often they are similar. Looking for a way to make you happy.

> unless you treat your chess board as sex toys.

It is hard to imagine anything that hasn't been used as such in human history.

> This comparason is stupid

I largely agree. Though we might add some perspective: the chances you are cheated in a sexual relationship is much higher than being cheated in a chess game.
Why is chess better than sex?

When you finish you don't have to wipe the pieces off.
I suppose it does give comfort to the virgins

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