
@Kingscrusher-YouTube Is just 61 Games Away From Creating History in Lichess

Yea but most of those accounts are 1700 or less rated so it doesn count that much imho...

I mean even if they had 500k games its nothing to brag about if they lost most of them and are like 1200 rated or something :P

Losing streak
Longest streak: 109 games
from 8 Nov 2017, 20:18 to 9 Nov 2017, 00:07

I probably would have called it a day after 40 or 50 games.
Hi all,

Flattered for the attention! Bullet is so relaxing :) Can I use this attention for last moment recruiting I wonder :)

BTW I was a Candidate master essentially in the 1990s - won the UK Lloyds national under 18 in 1989 and soon after got over 2200 FIDE on an official list. Since then I have been busy mostly in IT - not taking up chess professionally. I have worked for quite a few organisations including UBS in the City of London.

If any of you want to join my team in the upcoming streamer battle, please do join my team here:

And then you can join the team tournament for Kingscrusher Youtube and Twitch team here:

We came bottom last time , so could really do with any strong players willing to join in on my team!

Especially if you are over 2200, you are likely to count for the results of our top 20 players.

Cheers, K

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