

Basic rules:

1.: If you can capture an enemy piece, you must do so.

2.: If you have no pieces except your king, you win.

3.: If your king is checkmated, you win.


- If you can capture multiple enemy pieces, you may decide which one to take.

- If your king is in check and you can get out of check by capturing an enemy piece, you must do so.

- If your king is in check and you cannot get out of check by capturing an enemy piece, then you don't have to capture - get out of check first.

- If you don't have any legal moves, the game is drawn.

When playing rated games, consider the following:

If your king is checkmated, the server rates it as your loss, which is incompatible to rule number 3.

Therefore we have to use the Elo rating the other way round: A lower rating means a better rating, and a higher rating means a worse rating.

So you might want to create a separate account for playing Antichess.

For the above reasons, the following rules apply to rated games:

- You may not resign. Resignation is cheating.

- You may ask your opponent to resign. The opponent must do so.

- If your opponent didn't capture one of your pieces although it was possible, send a takeback offer - the opponent must accept it.

- If your opponent runs out of time, you may press the "+15 seconds" button.

- If you have pressed the "+15 seconds" button and your opponent has less than 15 seconds, you may resign.
Has anyone ever played that IRL?
pls resign


every rule makes sense besides the resignation request.

Also, this should never be done rated.

Chesscaptcha! :D
hmm, now that I think about it...

when you say opponent must resign, you don't mean that he loses the game of antichess; you mean resign in the sense that he resigns and wins antichess?

anon, #2:
yes, it is played in real life: in my chess club, after long events, when everyone is fed up with normal chess, we play it to relax.
it is quite funny, especially if you aren't used to it.
actually, it was the first chess variant I got to know.

apsu, #4:
yes! the Elo rating is used inverted: a lower rating means a better rating, and vice versa.
so if you want to give up, ask your opponent to press the "resign" button. the opponent will do so, and your rating increases (= gets worse), while your opponent's rating decreases (= gets better).

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