
Oldest forum poster

Hi guys!
Who is oldest (by age) forum poster? And who is oldest among regular forumers?
Tell me.
It has been said “you’re only as old as you feel”. Therefore, I am by far the oldest. :)
@Akbar2thegreat said in #5:
> Not sure about oldest forum poster but oldest among regular forum poster is none other than @Sarg0n

I don't think so, he is about 31y.o. and working towards IM
: D
@Dukedog said in #3:
> I'm not the oldest but I'm probably in the top five. Woo hoo ?!?

Hmmm... maybe I am top 10??

I don't know if people publicly want to reveal ages, so we may never know... I am 45... I think on average the age range in here is mid 30s if I had to guess? What do you think??
@Letpchess said in #9:
> Hmmm... maybe I am top 10??
> I don't know if people publicly want to reveal ages, so we may never know... I am 45... I think on average the age range in here is mid 30s if I had to guess? What do you think??

I too am 45, i refuse to be the oldest person wherever i am, which is getting more difficult actually. :).

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