
Stockfish doesn't know anything.

Stockfish is always telling me I'm a bad player but it doesn't have an imagination.

Saying -0.9, -1.1 etc on the moves.

Exhibit A;

(I well tell you the plan for the variations if Black did something else).

I was reading a book where the rook made child like moves and it had a crushing endgame in store. Computers look very far ahead (obv)
I'm not sure what you mean by imagination, do you mean ideas or novelties. But your statement stock fish doesn't know anything, doesn't really sound right. sure some of the time computers are wrong but those are very rare incidents, but in this case I don't think this is true, first of all you are playing an uncommon line of the Gran Prix and stock fish isn't opposed to this idea but thinks that another line has an advantage when compared to this one. Second of all, it is suggesting better moves but that doesn't mean your a bad player or anything, this means that maybe sometimes you play a bad move and stock fish suggests a better one and you don't understand why, but that is precisely the problem now days people getting confused because computers are everywhere and in this case you assume that it doesn't know anything because you play a line that it doesn't like or that you can't understand the ideas, when in actually fact some of the moves you play are fine but others are not and your getting angry at the realization of a computer battering your self confidence with it telling you its not the best move. the answer is no your not a bad player and no stock fish does know a whole lot about chess, you just need to realise that sometimes you won't be able to play the best moves according to the computer and be fine with that as long as there not terrible you should be fine.
@Dyedsale I am half joking by the way. Of course Stockfish is awesome.

In all serious though I am starting to doubt how accurate or relevant Stockfish is in the opening. It's not that I question it mathematically because obviously it can work all the lines to the end basically. What I question is how relevant the evaluation is to a human player. There are some moves in chess that are not the prefect sound move, but are very pressuring and scary. This maximises mistakes from opponents (more so in bullet and more so in the opening). And Stockfish can't tell what looks threatening to us as humans.
Stockfish is always like that because it expects you to play perfect chess.
Whereas if you use Leela and look at her evaluations, the evals are taken as an average and a percentage is returned (of course this %age can be converted into cp).

Leela is the strongest out of the box going into the opening right through to the end of the middlegame.

Stockfish is your best bet for the endgame.

Leela and MCTS search doesn't eval sharp positions where one (very hard to find for a human) line is 0.00 and the rest are losing...

Leela is the best in the opening and middlegame. LD2 / Latest T40 / Even this T60 so far are superior to Stockfish with regards to opening/middlegame evals

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