
King's Indian Attack

Interesting game full of tension and intrigue. This is play way above my level but I found it interesting and instructive. It seems a very human game and not engine-like play, but I may be incorrect there. I like KIA and how it was played here.
@ChessMathNerd said in #6:
> @HollyMu Why didn't black play O-O-O? Well, he played the first few moves as if O-O was his plan. In general, to switch plans during a game is a bad idea. If black castles queenside, I think white just attack on the queenside before black can really defend himself. Not sure about that though.
black's forces are mainly an Q side, and white's forces are on K side, black has space advantage to set up a defending net, and Qside attack is usually weaker than Kside attack, changing plans is absolutely ok
@hydroshadow I am not so sure about that. I am quite positive that at least in most lines, if black castles queenside, he will get overwhelmed by the speed of white's attack, either on the kingside or the queenside. Black's pieces are not set up for a kingside attack, whereas white's are. If black tries a kingside attack, he is likely to get absolutely crushed. I checked one line with the engine to make sure, and in that line, black gets his pieces off the back rank and has both O-O and O-O-O as options. After O-O the position seems ok, but after O-O-O, black is already totally losing.
To fundamentally change your plan for a game after setting up your pieces for a certain type of play, is almost never a good idea. To follow through with a suboptimal plan is generally better than to change plans over and over during a game.

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