
Why so many cheaters in the games selected for puzzles?

Sometime, out of curiosity, I click on a player name in the puzzle section where the puzzle is from. And not always but surely many times, one of the player has been banned!

What does that say about the selection process, or the quality of the puzzle, or the ethic?
I'm pretty sure it doesn't say anything about any of those things.
Puzzles are determined by an AI examining games using an engine. It therefore follows that cheaters using an engine are going to be more popular than those not cheating - i.e. there will be a bias towards cheaters being selected.
@jsene said in #1:
It doesn't say anything about that. It is just yet another sign as to the absolute rampant level of cheating that goes on here. So a good portion of the games, and thus the puzzles selected from, are likely to include them. But I don't mind it in puzzles. At least there I know I'm trying to find the engine move anyway.
There probably has been guys who have... usually if you take to long on the puzzles it will give you lower ratings and stuff (cause its thinking your cheating) or im just wrong
Doesn't mean that if they're banned they cheated. They could have done some other bad thing.

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