
Good example of zugswang

At the end of the bullet game, I used zugzwang to beat my opponent
Besides that beautiful and amazing illustration of zugzwang (to which I have no objections against), You could have saved him the terror and horror of zugzwang by playing rf7 rxf6 :)
@PranavRamesh8 I know I could've saved him the terror, but it was a bullet game, and I didn't have much time to think :)
I like how black dont want to surrender. Keep the faith or just make it great by losing :DD The art of losing, classy. GG :)))
No particular good example. Bg6 wins instantly amongst others. It has just remotely something to do with zz.
Well, it's certainly a good example of being bound hand and foot...but it's still not a true zugzwang.

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