
How to become a moderator

Don’t call them, they call you. Apparently they are enough to handle all issues.

By the way, I have never a seen a 12 y.o. moderator. Get a (chess) life first.
You should have seen when creating the topic
Your question may already have an answer in the F.A.Q.
Why didn't you bother to check it
You don’t become a moderator. The moderator becomes you.

At least I think that’s how it works. (For sure on NoJoke’s alt.)

Of course, at some point We’re All One. But that’s not this point. Keep moving. . . .

(Also remember that all things are best done in moderation. Including moderation.)
It is not possible to apply to become a moderator. If we see someone who we think would be good as a moderator, we will contact them directly.

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