
What GM's that never won the WC inspire you

Vladimir Kovacevic is one of my favorite GMs of all time. Artur Jussupow is up there. I like a lot of pre WWII players also. Salomon Flohr, Ruben Fine, Edgar Colle, George Koltaowski & Akiba Rubinstein.
If it had not been for WWI, Rubinstein would most likely have been a WC. It's a too damn shame.

It's different from Bronstein or Korchnoi, for example, who were very close, but they did get their chance. Rubinstein never did.
Vladimir Kramnik.

Oh wait, I thought you said "What GM's that *won* the WC *don't* inspire you!"

A lone fighter against an oppressive system
I like Korchnoi the fighter, but I find Keres a more sympathetic character. He strikes me as someone I would recommend as a role model, someone to emulate.
J. Polgár. I was disappointed when she retired from competitive play. Obviously she would have been Women's World Champion if she hadn't shunned that, but at her peak she was close to being the open World Champion too.
@Brian-E said in #6:
> J. Polgár. I was disappointed when she retired from competitive play. Obviously she would have been Women's World Champion if she hadn't shunned that, but at her peak she was close to being the open World Champion too.

In her prime ... I saw a game where she handled Ben Finegold in 35 moves pretty easily. (all over by move 20, Finegold spent the last 10 moves fighting for a draw that wasn't going to happen)

That was a "wow factor" for me.

To put that in perspective I'm from Metro Detroit and at that time Finegold was the resident best of the best...seeing him dominate the whole state of Michigan really impressed upon me how good GMs are. (and at that time he hadn't got his norms yet) I think he was an IM at the time with a crazy USCF rating of 2600 something and a FIDE rating in the 2500s.
Jan Timman for his great games and achievements, beautiful studies, interesting books and articles, modesty and sportsmanship.
Vassily Ivanchuk for his immense love of chess, his great understanding, passion, hundreds of brilliant games and the readiness to play chess even with "club players".
And many, many others, including most of the players mentioned here in earlier posts.