
Lichess v2 is here

I don't like it, Why the UI has to be so GIGANTIC??, I'll still love lichess but this design definitely is worse
I used to play on Firefox ESR 52 and I cannot change that, and now I'm practically not able to play, I don't see a clock at all, I don't see dropable pieces in crazyhouse, and I cannot even resign. This v2 has forced me to play elsewhere, this is sad.
Yes, I also see positive changes.

I have Win XP and I can play the last Mozile and and I hope everything will be fixed soon.

I do not see the clock in Mozilla.

And I do not understand why remind people that it is free? This is exactly the spirit of the corporation.
@pashut Actually you described the exact problem. While you say it's **not** how you detect the browser or screen size..., the Original Post said they are detecting the screen size and making adjustments.

That is the major problem. They are detecting big screens and making things big to fill the screen. The users are used to having normal size fonts and elements and adjusting their large screens according to how they want it to look... starting out with something that works basically right at 100% zoom, then fine-tuning their preference.

Because, as according to the OP, they are making adjustments according to the user's screen, there is a wrestling war between the user and the software to get things looking the way they want it.

Everyone is constantly (by their own words) adjusting the zoom and trying to get this working. The adjustments are making the elements (the fonts, images, and message blocks) out of proportions.

It's not so bad on a mobile device, because constantly adjusting (stretching and pinching) the screen is common usage on the single tiny screen. This is a burden on a large computer monitor where most users will have multiple windows on their screen.

I'm curious, do you use LiChess on your computer in full screen mode? A lot of people only use one window at a time in full screen for everything they do on the computer.

If that was the way I used my computer, this version of LiChess wouldn't be so bad.

Most power computer users have more than one window open on their computer at a time. This leads to a lot of lost productivity in tweaking the window. Because the computer is designed (as the OP said) to adjust for the screen size, the tweaking is a wrestle.

Based on the feedback I'm seeing, most people are having the same problem which could easily be resolved, just by setting up a reference point that works at 100 percent zoom on a normal screen. Then the people who are used to zooming 80% or 120% would be basically doing something they are familiar with and expect to do.

Just about everyone who has said they found a way to cope are referring to zooming out at least 80%...

I really believe the solution is much simpler than you might imagine. I hope the developers are taking some of this in.

And yes, I understand that more than one version would have to be maintained to accommodate a normal standard.

So far it appears that they have started out with a Mobile device as the starting point and making the computer users suffer. It would be better to start out from a stander computer monitor as a reference point, then bringing customization from there to program in tweaks for the users.

Really... it appears that everyone having problems are having the same problem whereas the solution I have described would resolve most of them.

Many of the few users who are liking the change includes a minor but, and add a comment that makes it clear that they are seeing the same problems that everyone else is pointing out.

The oversized fonts and out of proportion elements and empty spaces do not look professional, or serious. The new design looks like it's designed for a visual impaired (most of whom accommodate their impairment with glasses... such as I do) or a child.

It's hard to see things designed for children with the same seriousness. We accept this because we know what is behind LiChess. But the current interface takes a lot away from it.

I understand that it's work that is in development. I'm also sure that it will get there.

-- L. James

L. D. James
@apollothethird -- Sorry man, but I really don't have time (1) to read through endless posts written in the same vein; and (2) to re-explain, for the n-th time, the benefits of v2 for both users and developers.

@lovlas made it short & clear: upgrade your browser to a supported version and you'll be fine. And give it a little while to see the changes the majority suggested (hopefully) get implemented.

Take care.
Please options for having gameclock under/over e and d squares/under center of board. Chess is full of beautiful geometries, why have offcenter clock.

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