
How to make your team active

@ishanvipanicker said in #1:
> I mean how to make players in your team play tournaments very active team
> But I make tournaments but no one joins
Send messages and add team battles
Send a message like this if you add your team in a team battle : Hey guys we need your help team battle starting ( or ending ) soon please join. add prizes if you make the team battle your choice
<Comment deleted by user>
@TheKingClash said in #7:
> Chess is probably the main reason why you came onto this site. Instead of putting a huge amount of effort into getting your team active, why not focus on playing and improving at chess?

That is a very patronising thing to say.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with a user of this site utilising as many of the features it offers as they choose to.
Now will you tell me to basically shut up due to my rating?
@obladie said in #16:
> That is a very patronising thing to say.
> There is absolutely nothing wrong with a user of this site utilising as many of the features it offers as they choose to.
> Now will you tell me to basically shut up due to my rating?
Oh great now a another person came you know what I will never answer in this forum :(
@ishanvipanicker said in #17:
> Oh great now a another person came you know what I will never answer in this forum :(

Not sure what you mean by that...are you saying you don't want anyone to post in this thread?
Even when they are defending your right to create the thread?
<Comment deleted by user>
@TheKingClash said in #19:
> I never said that there was anything wrong with that. I am suggesting that in terms of chess improvement, if you want to create a team, it is better to just create a team and focus on the chess, maybe invite your friends, rather than complaining, in a public forum, that no-one joins their tournaments.

I disagree with your interpretation of what you said, but ,of course, you have the right to say it.

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