
Spamming of the forum

Hello all,
In reccent weeks I have begun to notice that more and more users are beginning to spam the forum with junk, and genral channel advertisments. One of the main promises of Lichess, was that no advertisements were to be displayed.
If you agree that this is annoying, and also feel that admin SHOULD be given the power to BAN these users or SUSPEND their accounts or REMOVE the forum posts then leave a comment.
I would like to hear from you all.
I didn't believe my eyes when I first looked into this forum. As a mod (elsewhere) I think this is really strange.

Lichess is free but everyone can rape it and advertise for his own businesses e.g. using this platform no matter how useful it is for the rest of the community. Clicks are money!

It seems that it is virtually unregulated.
I agree, moderators need to begin to actually do something.

As, one of the newer users of Lichess. I am not going to comment on how long long it has been going on. But, I have a feeling it has been for a while.

It is annoying, and uneeded.

I suggest the following which is the standard procedure and the only approach which works in forums in the long term:

Links are ok but excessive advertisement for one's OWN interests or business is forbidden and should be sanctionated.

PPS: Actually I wanted to rise this issue a few times but haven't done it so far. ;)
Yes, I agree. I am mostly reffering to the creating of as many posts as possible. Which, cotnain clickbait like "Click me" and "I want to be best youtuber".

Excessive links to one's own pages is irritating in the extreme.
I find the spam pretty annoying. There's no need for it to be so over the top.
Agreed. I reported it a couple times with plenty of links to show how far spamming had gone but apparently nothing has happened. I say apparently because I don't even know if my report was read.
I find the casual use of the word "rape" more offensive than someone posting links to chess related content. But that's just me.
@chess240 if you look up the definition of rape, there's about seven different results, depending on the context. In this context "to seize, take, or carry off by force."

Mods should stop this spamming, that Principa kid is currently bumping FIVE topics all of them just linking to his youtube channel.
Сайт создан для ответственных и сознательных пользователей. Если кто то хочет, чтобы здесь появились люди с совочками и мётлами, то за эту работу придётся платить.
The site was created for responsible and conscious users. If someone wants to have people with shovels and brooms, for this work will have to pay.

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