
Someone knows where to study middlegame strategy ?

Someone knows where to sudy middlegame strategy ?
I would recommend you to read books about pawn structure. In particular, I highly recommend Pawn Structure Chess by Andy Soltis (a modern classic) and Grandmaster Chess Structures by Mauricio Flores Rios, which is a bit more advanced than Soltis' work.
Bronstein's Zurich 1953 International Tournament is a classic for students of middlegame.
I second Grandmaster Chess structures as a really great foundation book for the middlegame that's currently in print. Plus Silman's reassess your Chess.
However Bent Larsen's Good move guide is the best in my mind. Out of print but totally worth borrowing if you can find it!
I know a book called "The Chess Player's Bible," by James Eade and Al Lawrence. It is really good.

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