
How to adverzise my team

@Syeda_Faiza said in #30:
> Wait I think money is allowed. About Logo prizes, I guess we should ask Jeffforever

it depends on the case. hosting tournaments with a cash prize pool is completely legal and welcome.

"Buying" players by giving them money to play for your team is not officially illegal (some titled players charge their prices) but will give the team a very bad reputation.

and paying people to do a "job" on the team that breaks Lichess community rules like spamming people's DMs or being a "recruiter" is illegal
@Syeda_Faiza said in #27:
> Bro that's illegal
It's not illegal I'm talking about name logo , the team logo

For example : see in my profile it's my name logo
To be honest, I don’t know if it’s right to do this (I haven’t done it), but you can probably make a nice invitation to your club and send it to everyone
You could get my daughter's girl scout troop to sponsor your team, and then you wouldn't need to advertise. Let me know if you want me to have the troop's den mother contact you. She's a good friend of mine. Oops,did I violate lichess rules by stating that I have a friend?

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