
What movie have you seen the most times?

@oneiro_naut said in #30:
> MCV is perfect rainy day material.
> Back up plan is "While You Were Sleeping". But if anyone asks, I never mentioned it. I have an image to maintain ya know.

hahaha... our secret... ;-)
But I did see While you were Sleeping years ago... my genre... but mum's the word

Watching MCV right now.... it is pretty cute and funny at the same time... I like it... so no back-up film required. ;-)
@ThePracticeGuy said in #21:
> The Karate Kid (2010)
> I have watched it too many times that I forgot how many times I watched it.

Ut-um, as a fan of the original Karate Kid parts 1, 2, and 3 with Ralph Macchio, I do declare that no one is allowed to repeatedly watch the 2010 version (which I also loved, no doubt) without paying homage to the originals ;-)
@WassimBerbar said in #32:
> The Great Wall.

When I lived at home, my brothers would have made me go to stuff like this on their movie choice day... Glad I am FREE now! hahaha I always got revenge when it was my turn to choose... They have had to watch a lot of "Chick Flicks" to even things out. heehee
@Letpchess said in #33:
> Ut-um, as a fan of the original Karate Kid parts 1, 2, and 3 with Ralph Macchio, I do declare that no one is allowed to repeatedly watch the 2010 version (which I also loved, no doubt) without paying homage to the originals ;-)

The originals were incredible (also, Mr Miyagi's quotes were the BEST quotes I have ever read).
But I have not watched the originals repeatedly. And this forum is only about the movies we've seen the most.
@ThePracticeGuy said in #35:
> The originals were incredible (also, Mr Miyagi's quotes were the BEST quotes I have ever read).
> But I have not watched the originals repeatedly. And this forum is only about the movies we've seen the most.

Well done, .... Carry on.... carry on... you pass ;-D
@oneiro_naut said in #22:
> My Cousin Vinny is kinda rom-com. Well nearly anyway. And funnily enough the other two films I mentioned have an aspect of healing a romantic relationship too. I guess I never realised I was a sucker for that kinda stuff lol.

Wow! I did not expect to like this movie as much as I did! It was fantastic! I love the parts with Vinny's girlfriend and her strong NY accent and amazing intelligence. Every scene with Vinny and Lisa together was hilarious. Thanks for the recommendation!
@Letpchess said in #15:
> There is usually an "outlier" when considering the "data" on movies watched. Meaning people generally know the movie that they have watched excessively compared to other good movies that they have watched. In my case, I don't generally watch the same movie over and over as an adult. When I was a kid, I remember that a particular version of Peter Pan used to be my younger brother's favorite and it was very calming for him when he was around 5 years old... so for sure, that would have been the movie he watched the most because it was back in the day of VHS tapes and he actually watched it until the tape broke. Sad day in our house. Poor little guy... For me, because I am 45 and I can not remember a Christmas when we did NOT watch the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" and sometimes even twice in a season, I am pretty certain that there is no other movie I have seen over 40 times!

Oh you mean online website like Netflix

Well I was talking about the television

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