
What is good and bad movie's difference?

@FC-in-the-UK said in #17:
> Titanic is not a good movie. I never heard of Minecarft (is it related to Minecraft?)

I only heard of people telling minecarft /minecraft a couple of times, telling how fun it is to watch it, so I assumed it is a movie.
What is a good movie? Have you got suggestions? Because I do not often wantch movies.

> That's definitely not the sole purpose of a movie. Maybe you've only watched bad movies, that's why?

I do not often watch movies. I barely know what is going on in this internet world.

> She just digs you dude.

What does that mean?

@FC-in-the-UK said in #18:
> God no. Following a checklist would be the best way to make an unoriginal movie. Part of what makes a good movie (in my opinion) is precisely that they have something unique, that you don't see in every other movie, they break the standards of their time, and do so in an interesting, intelligent way.

So the only way to know what movie is good is to watch more movies?
@absicht_MAUERzuBAUEN said in #21:
> I only heard of people telling minecarft /minecraft a couple of times, telling how fun it is to watch it, so I assumed it is a movie.
Nah it's a videogame. People enjoy watching other people playing videogames, these days.
> What is a good movie? Have you got suggestions? Because I do not often wantch movies.
I'd suggest to watch, for instance, Stalker by Tarkovski, Last Year in Marienbad by Resnais, or Rashomon by Kurosawa. Or if you want something more 'classical', The Grapes of Wrath by John Ford.
> So the only way to know what movie is good is to watch more movies?
I'd refer you to post #6 by Dukedog. There is no absolute definition of what is a "good movie". A movie is good if, after watching it, you think it's good. Everyone has their own criterions.

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