
What is good and bad movie's difference?

Cuz I do not know. I find it hard to understand 'good' movies' plots and dialogs just like I do with movies considered 'not that good'.
There might be no objective absolute criterion, but perhaps a good movie is a movie which prompts you to use your brain.
@FC-in-the-UK said in #2:
> There might be no objective absolute criterion, but perhaps a good movie is a movie which prompts you to use your brain.

But all movies make me use my brain. And surely, movies like titanic or minecarft (both of which I (unfortunately?) never saw) do not even require brain use, right?

And there must be some similarities with movies, because all those recommended movies end exactly the same way. (even kid's movies?!) With two main characters kissing themselves and once again showing us unrealistic images of 'good' life.

Sorry, for that before. It is just that I am still a more or less child and it really just is annoying to watch all these and ultimately compare them with my stupid, lone life, (which is what films do,no matter if you want it to be differently).
And then a classmate would start to cry and put their disgusting heads on my shoulder and then an awkward moment will happen in which i do not know what to do except for act as if I saw and noticed nothing or ask if she had an allergy or something similar
Plot and narrative is part of it, to be sure. But a lot of a film being bad has to do with technical flaws, such as bad editing, poor acting/direction, etc.
@clousems said in #4:
> Plot and narrative is part of it, to be sure. But a lot of a film being bad has to do with technical flaws, such as bad editing, poor acting/direction, etc.

And how can we see this? What does poor acting mean?

If I just gave you some random movies, do you think you can really separate the good ones from the bad?
A good movie leaves you feeling satisfied.A bad movie makes you glad it's over.
A good movie touches upon the the human spirit and the cominality of emotion we all share.
A bad movie is simply explotive.
To be honest though I do like action movies.
Sometimes you just want entertainment.
@absicht_MAUERzuBAUEN said in #5:
> And how can we see this? What does poor acting mean?
> If I just gave you some random movies, do you think you can really separate the good ones from the bad?

When one has seen as many movies as I have, it’s not hard.
It depends on your taste, actually. For instance, I find thriller movies 'better' than comedy movies. Someone else could have had a different opinion.

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