
What is a logo?

I continue to notice many wee ones misuse the term "logo" on this site. This, naturally, fills me with indescribable rage and bloodlust.
A logo is a symbol that identifies a brand. Think of the Apple logo. Even without a single letter, everyone knows what company it represents.
Think of the lichess knight. If you saw it on another site, you would instantly know someone copied it.
THAT is what makes a logo a logo.
@clousems said in #1:
> I continue to notice many wee ones misuse the term "logo" on this site. This, naturally, fills me with indescribable rage and bloodlust.
> A logo is a symbol that identifies a brand. Think of the Apple logo. Even without a single letter, everyone knows what company it represents.
> Think of the lichess knight. If you saw it on another site, you would instantly know someone copied it.
> THAT is what makes a logo a logo.
Logos are Nice Pictures with Names On it and When It comes to the profile The profile Look Cool. Your acting Like Logo is a Piece Of Bullshit
@Chess_Master7777 said in #2:
> Logos are Nice Pictures with Names On it and When It comes to the profile The profile Look Cool. Your acting Like Logo is a Piece Of Bullshit
You are wrong. Please use a dictionary.
@clousems said in #3:
> You are wrong. Please use a dictionary.
I think You should Think twice Before Making such Topics.
@Chess_Master7777 said in #4:
> I think You should Think twice Before Making such Topics.
If kids continue to misuse common words like "logo", they will be viewed as complete nincompoops in the real world. I'm of the opinion that knowledge is good.
I think it all started when my mommy misused the word "logo" around me as a kid...
Your explanation is correct. You are right.

But why do you use such martial words in this context, addressing children: "This, naturally, fills me with indescribable rage and bloodlust."???
I see you are probably from Ukraine or sympathize with Ukraine by using its flag, we all know what horrible things Putin's Russia has done to Ukraine, but children on each side are mere victims of war - please, moderate your expression, especially in such sad times, when "rage and bloodlust" unfortunately are not only words but have become reality.

@clousems said in #1:
> I continue to notice many wee ones misuse the term "logo" on this site. This, naturally, fills me with indescribable rage and bloodlust.
> A logo is a symbol that identifies a brand. Think of the Apple logo. Even without a single letter, everyone knows what company it represents.
> Think of the lichess knight. If you saw it on another site, you would instantly know someone copied it.
> THAT is what makes a logo a logo.
#9: my use of comedic hyperbole is unrelated to my thoughts on the Ukraine.

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