
Putin calls for "necessary cleansing of Russian society"

@CooloutAC said in #30:
> Absolutely. We run the risk of turning into a dictatorship just like Russia if he is elected. He was systematically destroying all our institutions. Right before he left office he changed many top generals and Pentagon officials and encouraged his people to storm the capital. He was planning a coup. The only thing that saved us was that his administration were fools.
> But I think the way he praised and groveled at Putins feet more then any President in history will still be fresh on peoples mind in 2024. When he turned the US Military on peaceful protesters outside the capital in DC, that was the end of him. I don't think he has a chance.

Thanks brother, you speak from my heart! I hope, those insane GOP-people will learn a great lesson about tyranny and Putin's abuse of power. Sen. Mitt Romney said about the GOP: it's moral and ethical bankruptsy. What their elected officials are spreading on lies and nonsens is unprecedented in US' modern history. The prosecution of Trump's crimes takes that much time, because there are too many (millions) of followers ready to take up weapons and fight a civil war. This time it would be much more disastrous than January 6. It would be the end of democracy in US for generations, and a catastrophe for democracy in the world.
I don’t think the Russian people will tolerate becoming the new North Korea. The Kremlin will fail epically and hopefully the democracy will be strengthened worldwide. A Russian spring could be possible, Russia already has lost everything. As a consequence, China will never ever touch Taiwan.
Putin will probably get assassinated he seems to be suspicious of everyone around him now, the $1M bounty must be turning heads
Putin is a douchebag, no different than Hitler.

One minute, Putin says crap like: "Denazify Ukraine."

The next minute he uses terms like "purify" and "cleanse" -- which is literally NO DIFFERENT THAN HITLER.

Not only that, but like Hitler's top staff, i.e. Goebbels, Dimitri Peskov further clarified Putin's remarks, explaining and justifying them, EXACTLY THE SAME.

It is RUSSIA which needs to be DE-NAZIFIED.
What is with Putin's Power Trip? Can he no longer enjoy wine and women? Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine can help him.

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