
Mother's day is coming

I'm not reading those links.
Let's talk about what Mamma really wants.

1.) A dedicated man.
2.) A massage table.
3.) Caffeine via coffee and/or chocolate on demand.
4.) "Get these kids away from me or so help me God; and Jesus; and all the powers of the universe before I unleash all that is unholy upon them!!!!"
5.)"Let's keep the grandkids for the weekend! Maybe we can keep them Monday too! Just tell the principal that they were sick and we had to watch them! That'll really help _____ out and she won't have to worry about picking them up!"

Shower your mother with love as much as you can for as long as you can. Mamma does not live forever. Neither does your father.
If u busy working and live nearby...go home for a dinner...your present was a gifts
Mother's Day is about motherhood and obviously about honoring mothers. But it's much more than that. It's a day without arguments, which needs a positive atmosphere. It's filled with goodness, justness and worthiness.

Yes, Mother's day is not just for biological mothers. Don't forget the non-biological mom's. The Nannies, the baby-sitters or the day cares. Some elementary school teachers have been like mother's to me. I believe Mother's day represents the ones that had the desire to help others with true love.

Mother's day only needs to be pleasant. How hard can that be? It's a day to be grateful and pleasant even if your mother is no longer around.
wait a minute mother day came so fast
Are there 2 mother day in 2023??

We wait for our birthday and there are 2 mother day in 2023 OMG !

I wish we had 2 birthday every year
It's never to late to be pleasant to someone who cares for others.

In my family, we each picked a day to spend some time with her. Often it's a meal out plus an activity. So far Mother's day for her has lasted 5 days. We just don't wait for the official day to be there to do something. It's a 4 week prep-event. It becomes one of her better events of the year where she eats out every day and has some fun. To do things right it's good to plan or reserve time 4 weeks in advance. A birthday or other events can be the same thing. If you were not available on the official day, well that does not mean you have an excuse to not do something for at least one person that gives your life a joyful meaning. Have a nice day.

Dates of Mother's Day around the world

So now you know why the subject title says: Mother's day is coming.
It was mothers day. So I decided to wash the dishes for her. Like I always do

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