
Making a city in space

I like the romantic idea of a space city but not the reality of how it would be with all the complications. The human body just isn't made for living in space. But it's definitely a great topic for writing a book I'd consider that thank you for your input 💙🖤🌝
@Fmuror02 we get air from the atmosphere we can't bring air and the energy of sun would be useful for electricity in the city
Amused (Bemused?) to see someone down-vote Arthur C. Clarke (#36) in a discussion about cities in space. another thread,I provided a reading list for someone that comprised a bunch of the 20th century's leading physicists, and that got a down-vote too.
There are innumerable sci-fi stories on the they become more recent the science improves somewhat.
Just think ISS on steroids.
Not sure if this is mentioned already in the thread, Ringworld by Larry Niven is a fascinating novel about a civilization built out in a massive ring in space. Written in the sixties, before everything had to be political.
I might if space travel between earth and the rest of space was quick easy cheap and affordable. Like, I don't want to have to make a life decision between earth and somewhere else. it would be cool if it were possible to treat planets the same as countries or cities
How about combining the concepts of submarines and using that in space?

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