
Making a city in space

In Youtube I watched a video about 6 months ago that went in to a good amount of detail on two ways that gravity can be created in space. Each has its drawbacks as you would expect. I don't remember the name of it but you can find it with a search I'm sure.

Both methods are theoretically possible but there are huge engineering hurdles to get over to make it happen. @A_0123456 mentioned one of the ideas. If I remember correctly, the problem with that one is that to generate enough gravity the "circle" would have to be HUGE. And I think it had problems with docking to outside craft.

Do a search within Youtube for Artificial gravity in space.
@killF7 Yes, the circle would have to be huge, but we are trying to build a city here. I think even something with a radius of 10-25 miles (a sphere, and I had read that a football field length is the minimum size somewhere else) would be fine, but granted, this would require quite some resources to make it. And while it is possible to do it even within the next few decades, it is likely better that we focus first on Mars and the Moon before attempting this massive engineering feat.
If we had to make a city in space, then we would have to make a HUGEE circle and also add some rocket boosters to move it around. Personally I think, that would be pretty tiresome, so making a city on a planet like Mars would be better!
Make each section a cubical platform. That way you can add to the cubes.
Step one: Create the cube. The initial set-up...
It has 6 sides ...
Side 1: Floor
Side 2: Ceiling
Side 3: Air intake & Exhaust
Side 4: Controls
Side 5: Entrance Door hatch
Side 6: Exit door hatch

If two cubes are put together there is a problem, of two hatch doors facing each other.
Once we have created the way to mass produce cubes to be able to assemble them, it will be time to launch more ideas.
My god u know a great deal about space exploration!
Interesting there is so much discussion about colonizing space and yet here we have oceans. there is little effort underway to find a way to live on them. Doesn't that seem odd? If we find the oceans too difficult what WTH are we doing in space?
@killF7 ever looked at the pressure, plus space is so beautiful. If i had just become an astronaut it must be so pretty
@Ihavenothing yes the pressure is a real challenge, and the salt, and the tumolt, and the giant squids too. Don't forget the giant squids. :)
Space in water or space in outer-space. The first post is not that clear and I assumed outer-space. But ya, why not stay on earth and build some space under water. If that's the case. Then what part of the ocean is calm enough to build an underwater city?

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