
Making a city in space

Do you want to live in space city. If it would be possible then it would be cool
Who wouldn't want. But i can't even afford a city on earth, no even a village.
I can't think of single benefit for living in space. It sounds just so boring, can't even go for a walk. And have you seen how they do toilet? Ugh..
@A_0123456 that's against the laws physics though, isn't? Unless the city orbits around a planet in really high speed I guess..
@OzyWho If something rotates fast enough, the centripetal force becomes large and makes you go effectively in a corcle (since you are also traveling at a certain speed). The normal force increases to amounts similar to seen on Earth if rotation of the capsule is fast enough and you are in the inner rim of a hollow capsule. This means that normal force is similar to your weight on Earth (which is true on Earth as well, mass and weight are different), so you get a sort of artifical "gravity" that is similar to what you'd see on Earth.

Yeah, you need some physics to explain this.
It isn’t very probable. You see, the city in space would need air from earth which it wouldn’t have. Even if the air went in a tube from earth to the city, the low pressure would make it difficult even imposible to breathe. Second, it would have to be protected by a metal or glass case which would make an effect making the city very hot. Third, it would be dangerous to put a city in space because of asteroids and other objects bumping into it. Fourth, it would be night all day even if the sun is shining. Fifth, it would have to be controlled by earth so it wouldn’t go into inner space. Last, it would be highly expensive. So expensive it would even cost more than $ and to have residence in there, it would be super expensive rising to $. But perhaps in the future it might be able, but for now let’s be contented by living in earth.
1) It won't be too hard to set up an atmosphere by getting gases from Earth (or even other planets for that matter). Anyways, Oxygen and Nitrogen are extremely common.
2) Did you forget that this would be a climate controlled dome? The power would come from the Sun (which would be much more effective up here), and maybe other fuel if needed.
3) Artificial lighting exists to provide lighting, so the conditions will at least be somewhat similar to Earth.
4) A thick hull is not the hardest thing to do.
5) Orbit adjustment would rarely be required. Has the Moon floated out to space entirely from the Earth? Obviously not. It moves away at 1 inch per year, which means it will take tens of millions of years to make a real difference.
6) What do you mean 1 quintillion dollars?? It will cost some portion of the World's GDP, but not nearly that much. And while we don't have the technology for this project yet, we won't have a hard time developing it within the next century in fact, development of similar technologies has been going for a while now.
Any thoughts on what name I could google to read up on your idea about artificial gravity more?

I'm ashamed to say that your explanation went over my head. :P

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