
Is America great again?

@SamuelCaplan so basicly youre complaignt is whit the democratic system that has restraint's on what presidents might or may not do? if i had a political party i would do the same theyre all doing since trump is going to elect at least 4 superior court members.
@SamuelCaplan he didnt obstruct justice :

It's just the news blowing everithing out of pourportion.

The special prosecutor also show's the ipocrisy of the thing Obama did the same thing as Trum, except worse, he toll Comey not to investigate Hillary and not to charge her, what trump did was tell Comey not to charge Flyn but he could still investigate :

So why wasnt Obama ivestigated for obstruction of justice just like Trump? maybe because Obama was the news pretty boy they loved him to the point of never talking about his scandals. Which makes it very easy to see that the news are against Trump, maybe it has something to do whit the major owners of the news channel's beying friends of Hillary and vouching for her during the presidentional campaign.

noun [slak-tuh-viz-uh m]
1. actions taken to bring about political or social change but requiring only minimal commitment, effort, or risk: students engaging in slacktivism by signing an online petition.
I recently saw a Trump interview talking about healthcare and how expensive it is.

I lost a lot of respect for him when he said, "If you hurt your back I don't care, as important as your back is, there are far more important things, like N. Korea, to worry about."

Reminds me of an interview of JFK talking about the common man. He said something like, "Screw the common man. Nobody cares about the little guy." It was in a documentary, and I can't find it. But I thought it was very disrespectful to the workers.
@Rairden, unfortunately, politicians have learned to talk about protecting the "little people", once elected, they forget all about it.

Trump is a showman that became president, it happened once before with Ronald Reagan, the difference is that Reagan was able to rise to the office...
Not a fan of Reagan, but let's not forget that he had been the governor of California. So, not a good comparison. There really isn't a comparison to be made.

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