
Is America great again?

Watergate is to Nixon as Watercomey is to Trump.

Say goodbye to the mechanic orange...
that's a dumb analogy, what about obamagate? when he falsified his birth certificate? when he wire tapped trump, nixon stile? no on cared, and no one will care now, besides it's legal. Keep autisticly screeching at him he will be there for 8 years
"When he falsified his birth certificate". What an ignorant statement and lie.
"When he wiretapped Trump". What an ignorant statement and lie.
"Eight years"? - The pig WILL one day be impeached.

fake birth certificate:

wire tapping_

"so they intercept communication's but it's not wiretaping him?"

On his impeachment: he wont be impeached. He will be there for 8 years, all he needs to do is do nothing the media will continue to anoy everyone whit stupid things like:

more exposure to feminism and social justice stuf on tv, like what netflix is doing whit bill nye's new show.

In the USA, president thend to stay there for 2 terms, he will be elected again.
I don´t know who @Qreu7jedgXoLQ is, I don´t know how much @Qreu7jedgXoLQ knos, but I´m sure that he knows much less than Laurence H. Tribe who is Carl M. Loeb University Professor and Professor of Constitutional Law at Harvard Law School and who bases his saying in years of practice and studies of the law and not on links to "fake news".

@SamuelCaplan on Comey getting fired, and why no one cares because it's good

promient quotes:

"Let’s cut right to the chase: James Comey should have been fired immediately following his disastrous press briefing last July, in which he candidly laid out the case against Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information and then refused to recommend charges. Overstepping his authority while radiating sanctimony, arrogating power while clumsily intervening in the election, Comey deserved to be sacked on the spot."

"So when President Trump finally put Comey out of his — and our — misery last week, it was the best merited cashiering since Truman fired a showboating MacArthur.

Ignore the political firestorm that’s followed. Trump could cure cancer, solve the Israeli-Palestinian crisis and appoint Oprah as his special envoy to Mars and the Beltway press corps would still howl for his head. The fires fueling this politically motivated hatefest will abate only when the Democrats accept that they lost an election they fully expected to win."

"And that’s the key word — political. As the nation’s chief law-enforcement officer, the FBI director shouldn’t be a political figure."

"But the American people have, which is one of the many reasons Trump won the election. Further, far from damaging the president in the eyes of his supporters, Trump’s decisiveness in canning Comey will only endear him to them even more."
@SamuelCaplan the president can only be impeached if he break's the law, he as way too much legitimity, acording to Max Weber he has legal legitimity since he won the election, and he has a big carishmatic legitimity, which is important,

Youre article is pure cancer "Now the country is faced with a president whose conduct strongly suggests that he poses a danger to our system of government."

Impeach him on the basis of what he might do not what his action's are.

You do know the USA follows Montesquie's political power divisions to the maximum right? to prevent the abuse of power, for every action a chance to repeal it, thats why stupid judge's block perfectly legal law's like we saw whit the travell ban.

Still no proof on the russians, and who carres no one cares that the us influenced the israelean election, they even complained , the usa implanted dictators in saouth america and all over the world, it influenced french election.

It's something normal, by the logic that someone might not run for president because hes beeing unflenced then no one will run. Still no proof tought, just like whit Ronald Reagan, and Bush, a simple political tyactic by the democrats to silence and dismiss theyre oponnents.

Youre whole article is an opinion collum whitout any evidence for theyre claims, eavely biased, calling for something unconstutional, impeachment of president because he might be somwthing.
I guess Obama should've been impeach after all he was from Kenya, and wasnt born in us soil.
It is still up for grabs whether Trump "won" the election. The probe into Russian interference goes to the core of the US of A democracy based on "free" elections, on freedom of choice.
Soon the pope will meet with Trump, soon after that, the fake president will alienate Catholics...

Maybe no one cares about Comey getting fired, @Qreu7jedgXoLQ, I personally don´ t give a damn, it is Trump´ s interference with an investigation that is an impeachable offense, it is called "obstruction of justice".

I will go by proffesor Lawrence´ s word, you don´ t exist...
@SamuelCaplan he won the election whit 310 electoral college votes second highest republican score behing Reagan, the rules were those. So russian's can hack mind's is that it? they showed us how corrupt clinton was and her true self, and thus by making people see the truth they hacked thyre mind's? do you not see the hipocrisis, one of the values of democracy is transparency and thats waht we got doesnt matter the source, all that matters was the truth.

Dought he will alienate Cristian's pretty sure he loves them (even tought him sure hes jewish ) compared to Obama the muslim.

Good a delusional professor join's the intolerant side bashing skulls in antifa protests, just like berkerly, angry at the common plebe for having a diferent agenda than his, and thus screaming racist at them, blaming theyre skin collour for theyre sins.

Trump will remain president, one of america's law principal is inocent until proven guilty, so unless you get proof which there isnt nothing will happen. It's up to the supreme court to decide if it's obstruction of justice or not, dought it is.

What an embarrassment Trump is to the USA. Constantly being checked and balanced by the legislative branch, slapped down by the judiciary, to the people that voted for him and are now repentant (the ones that think), to the democrats (when was the last time that most democrats and many republicans are asking for the president´ s head).

Impeach him and stop the agony of the noble ones...

It smells bad...

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