
I'm bored

1.Paint a portrait of your cat. Or your dog, or your rabbit, or your bookshelf! Then you get a bonus activity: choosing where to display it.
2 . Write a song. Do you have a musical instrument around? It might be time to dust it off and write a song about whatever it is you’re feeling right now.
3. Start a journal. Don’t you wish you had always journaled, so you could go back and read about how your life was five, ten, or fifteen years ago? Well, it’s not too late to start. In five, ten, or fifteen years, you’ll be glad you did.
4. Teach your dog a new trick. Teach your dog to spin, or give her paw, or “play dead.” It’s a fun and rewarding activity for both of you.
5. Learn a dance. Maybe something from TikTok, or something from one of your favorite music videos.
39. Write a poem. No one ever has to read it.
5. Learn how to juggle. Can you imagine how impressed your friends will be once you reveal that you’ve taught yourself how to juggle?
5. Write letters. As a kid, there was absolutely nothing more exciting than the idea of getting a letter in the mail from a pen pal. Why do we let time change us? Why do we let age rob us of our youthful sense of wonder? Send a letter to a friend. Maybe they’ll write back!
6. Start a photo and memories album. If you’re like me, you keep a lot of little pieces of trash around, for memories. Movie stubs, playbills, particularly notable receipts. Why not gather up all this garbage into a photo album? You can even also include photos.
7. Turn a T-shirt into a sleeveless shirt. Do you have a T-shirt you like but never wear, maybe because it doesn’t look good, or isn’t the right size? Maybe it will be a little better if you cut off the sleeves.
8. Read a play, or write one. It’s like watching a movie, except it’s reading (or writing).
9. Sew a mask for a friend. An act of love and of creativity.
10. Design your future tattoo. Are you thinking about getting a tattoo? Why not one that you’ve designed? Draw some stuff, play around, imagine where it could be ined permanently into your flesh.
11. Learn how to read tarot cards. Here’s an easy beginner’s guide.
12. Learn about bog bodies. You’re going to be surprised.
12. Make a Covid time capsule. Maybe someday you’ll want to remember this?

I hope help you....

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